Embrace God's definition of love.
Admit your brokenness and inability to love your spouse like God loves you.
Receive God's grace in order to extend God's grace.
Treat your spouse as more significant than yourself.
Forgive your spouse as God forgave you.
Keep your covenant to your Spouse as God has kept His covenant with you.
You are tempted every day to believe the lies all around you regarding your marriage. You need to identify the lies you are choosing to believe and replace those lies with biblical truth.
Communicate with your spouse with the goal of mutual understanding.
Conflict in marriage is normal and a great opportunity to glorify God, grow yourself, and grow your spouse. Handling conflict biblically is a great path to oneness with your spouse.
Recognize and communicate expectations.
God calls you to live with your spouse in "an understanding way." This means you will need to become a student of your spouse so that you can best love and celebrate them. Your relationship with your spouse is also tied to your relationship with God.
Fully know and delight in each other.
Enjoy sex with your spouse as a gift from God!
Part of God's design in marriage is to use your spouse to conform you into His image. You need to allow your spouse to partner with you in spiritual growth.
This is a way to live, not a program that you go through. You don't graduate from this. Success in marriage is not just avoiding divorce, but always moving toward oneness. You will have to continue to fight for everything you have gained.